Thor: Love and Thunder | Laughter and tears ★★★★

After a series of traumatic events, Thor continues his quest for inner peace, but it is interrupted by Gorr, the godslayer. The DD Jane Foster, ex-lover of the god of Thunder, is nevertheless back to help him.

Posted at 7:00 a.m.

Pascal LeBlanc

Pascal LeBlanc
The Press

From the first minute, we are hooked. In very few words, we feel all the pain of a father. The trailer, however, was all action and humor, with a pinch of horror. Then, we remember that it is a film by Taika Waititi, Oscar winner for the screenplay of jojo rabbit. Like James Gunn, the New Zealand filmmaker’s seemingly wacky works can make you laugh and then cry in an instant.

As far as we are concerned, we like frequent and drastic tone breaks. But we know that they are not for everyone. Especially since after a first restrained scene in a desert of white sand, we are sent to a chaotic battlefield with saturated colors. The (As)Guardians of the Galaxy defend a people of blue humanoids from an army of small furry creatures. Despite the mess, Thor meditates. He finally intervenes and quickly puts an end to hostilities… not without damage. This clownish scene, which stretches a bit, serves to show that Thor goes where he feels he is needed. In reality, he is desperately looking for a new meaning to his existence which already counts a few thousand years.


Christian Bale plays Gorr in Thor: Love and Thunder.

It is then that a new adversary arises: Gorr, the slaughterer of gods. As its name suggests, this one resents the divine beings and will spare none. Christian Bale manages once again to transform himself. His performance, more nuanced than some previous ones, is both disturbing and captivating. Each of his on-screen appearances eclipses everything else and that’s possibly why they are (too) few.

The other person who changes Thor’s “plans” is his ex, Jane Foster. Especially since she returns to her life wearing the same armor as him and wielding his beloved hammer, Mjölnir—his Stormbreaker ax is even jealous! It’s nice to see Natalie Portman in the role of a superheroine full of enthusiasm, but also of doubts. Mighty Thor may be very strong, but we still perceive his vulnerability. Despite very different situations, she and Thor find themselves in a similar state of mind. Combined with their common past, this gives a dynamic between the two that is very comical, but above all human. There are discomforts, urges, questioning…

As we wrote for Thor: Ragnarok, Chris Hemsworth perfectly masters all facets of his character. He impresses both with his muscles and his ability to make the Thunder God’s anxiety felt. We also like the sincerity of the friendships he maintains with Valkyrie (brilliant Tessa Thompson) and Korg (Taika Waititi), who is also the hilarious narrator of the story.

Although the work of the actors is remarkable, Love and Thunder is above all the work of its director. Taika Waititi, who is also a co-screenwriter with Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, has repeatedly said that he wants to create a film even more eccentric than Ragnarok. It dazzles the eyes – and the ears, thanks among other things to four Guns N’Roses songs. The pacing is intense, but it lets the crucial scenes breathe. We laugh, we cry, and this, in less than two hours. Hat !


Thor: Love and Thunder

super hero movie

Thor: Love and Thunder
(VF: Thor: Love and Thunder)

Taika Waititi

With Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Christian Bale


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