Thomas Sotto’s naughty slip of the tongue which embarrassed him in front of Carla Bruni

One more ! Thomas Sotto starts 2022 on the hats of wheels and as he finished 2021. Indeed, the one who officiates alongside Julia Vignali every morning on France 2 in Telematin chain of blunders. Fortunately, these always remain “cute” and more fun than anything else. It must also be said that the journalist has a lot of humor and never hesitates to show it on set to the delight of viewers. It must be said that his sidekick helps him a lot to amuse the gallery. The companion of Kad Merad is always the first to find a funny sentence or to deviate from the main subject by making some naughty allusions.

Like last December 7, when a columnist for the morning show mentioned Jean Vuarnet’s habits for training before a competition. The former sportsman managing to increase his physical capacities without even leaving his room thanks to a very specific activity. Mathilde Terrier also recalling that he used the “egg position” to hurtle down the slopes at a greater speed. A pole extended to Julia Vignali who only needed a few seconds to grab it: “Sport in the bedroom, the position of the egg … And yet, we are talking about sport”, she amused herself and causing a slight discomfort on the set.

An unease that Thomas Sotto also aroused this Wednesday, January 5 on the set of Telematin. The presenter received the companion of Nicolas Sarkozy, Carla Bruni, to talk about his news and in particular his biggest dream. Namely, singing with his little girl Giulia. An unveiled secret which seems to have disturbed the journalist as pointed out by our colleagues from TV-Leisure. Julia Vignali’s sidekick releasing a funny slip of the tongue just before launching the ad: “Thank you, you stay with us until 9:30 am. Above all, you don’t move, we still want you!”, he swung before catching up after realizing his mistake: “Finally … we need you!”, rectified Thomas Sotto causing a giggle on the set.

See also: Julia Vignali dares a very naughty remark in front of Thomas Sotto … and causes discomfort on the plateau of Télématin


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