Thomas Pesquet: the hero’s return


France 2

Article written by

C. Rougerie, M. Lassaga, F. Guinle, V. Castel – France 2

France Televisions

Thomas Pesquet returned to Earth on Tuesday, November 9 after a six-month mission in space. For many, the astronaut is a true hero.

A hero. This is how many French people see astronaut Thomas Pesquet, freshly returned to Earth on the night of Monday 8 to Tuesday 9 November. In a school where France Télévisions went, the students had the chance to talk to the astronaut when he was still in theISS, a few days ago. Tuesday morning, the video of the hero’s landing impresses more than one.

That night, the emotion was also palpable in the living room of the mayor ofAuffay (Seine-Maritime), the village where Thomas Pesquet grew up.Lots of feelings of joy, respect, honor, pride too “, confides the city councilor, Christian Suronne. The French gendarmes did not fail to react to the feat of the French. In a tweet, they have, not without humor, announced to turn a blind eye to the speeding ticket on his return trip.


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