Thomas Pesquet: the astronaut’s lunar ambitions




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Returned to Earth after six months on board theISS, Thomas Pesquet is already thinking about his next mission, which could be lunar. An ambition mentioned at a press conference.

Within a few days, Thomas Pesquet rose fromISS, in space, on dry land, in Cologne (Germany), where he gave his first press conference, Friday 12 November. An impressive physical recovery: the astronaut estimates “to have recovered 80, 90% of what[il] had before the mission “. But to be fully in shape, he already knows that he will need several months.

During several months spent in space, the Frenchman was able to admire the Earth, as well as the many changes due to the climate. “What I saw a lot more this time are all the climatic disturbances, fires, storms, fires”, clarified the astronaut, adding that it was “painful” to observe. Despite this, Thomas Pesquet hope to return to training quickly, with one goal in mind: 2030 and the Moon. Everyone’s dream “, what the French would like to achieve.

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