Thomas Pesquet: back on earth, he shares his teachings and unveils his projects


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Thomas Pesquet returned, Friday, November 12, on his stay aboard the international space station. In great shape, the astronaut is already thinking about his next mission.

Thomas Pesquet was extracted from its capsule in Cape Canaveral, Florida (United States) Tuesday, November 9, at 5:30 in the morning. He held his first press conference in Cologne (Germany) from Friday 12. “In 48 hours, I already have the impression of having recovered 90% of what I had before the mission”, he confides. From this new mission, he notably remembers the exaltation of the four spacewalks.

As the Cop26, Thomas Pesquet, which orbited the earth for six months, has witnessed more climate change than in 2017. “We have seen ashes pass through American states, countries covered in smoke. It was painful to watch “, he reports. In the coming months, he will participate in the selection of future astronauts. The European Agency received 4,000 files, including 2,000 French. Thomas Pesquet will also be resuming training soon. By 2030, he could go to the moon. “Everyone’s dream”, he admits.


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