Thomas Pesquet: a space star




Article written by

M. Subra-Gomez, J. Longchampt, C. Vignal, E. Piquereau, O. Sauvayre – France 2

France Televisions

His character, spontaneity and knowledge help him to open up access to space. Thomas Pesquet will return to Earth after having been the space ambassador for months.

Hundreds of kilometers above our heads, Thomas Pesquet floats through the ISS, sharing his daily life with millions of users around the world. Daily adventures and videos that fascinate and make him an ambassador of space. His spontaneity marks the spirits in particular, but everything is well put together, as during the transmission of the relay between him and his Japanese colleague, for the transition between the Olympic Games in Tokyo and those in Paris in 2024.

The French astronaut was also noticed for having broadcast a song by Coldplay during a live on social networks. A global highlight that benefits the British group, but also the astronaut. Matthieu Elkaim, president of the communication agency Ogilvy Paris, believes that it is “a relationship of equal to equal”. An accessible rockstar who interacts with Internet users on different social platforms. His talents as a popularizer also allow Internet users to closely follow the life of the ISS.

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