Thomas (Koh-Lanta) tested after his hair transplant, Myriam reveals photos

The mystery is lifted! Tuesday December 28, 2021, Myriam and Thomas announced that they had arrived safely in Istanbul, Turkey. A new journey for the couple formed thanks to Koh Lanta which had a specific purpose. Indeed, in story Instagram, the 36-year-old English teacher said they had made the trip for a mysterious operation. “We have arrived safely in Istanbul! Direction the hotel and the operation is today! We’ll keep you posted“, she promised.

And Miriam kept her word! A few hours after this announcement, the pretty brunette gave their news. With Thomas, she had returned to their hotel room. “Everything went very well, the technique is very meticulous so the intervention was a bit long but that’s normal. Thomas needs a rest now“, she explained before briefly filming Thomas lying in his bed, obviously very tired. We then see large bandages surrounding his head and some redness where the operation took place (See our slideshow). adventurer of the edition of Secret Weapons therefore resorted to a hair transplant. Myriam finished confirming the news by tagging the specialized clinic that took care of her man.

For some Internet users, this transplant will undoubtedly not be a surprise because a few months ago, in October, Myriam mentioned his hair loss which represented a real complex for him. “He’s been talking about his baldness for months, let’s help him together to make a decision“, she wrote in the caption of a photo of Thomas appearing from behind, his baldness just visible. The young man therefore ended up making his decision and decided to trust new technologies to help him find a full hair. . He is far from being the only personality to have recourse to such a practice. Before him, Hugo Philip, Ricardo, Laurent Baffie, Greg Yega (The people of Marseilles) or Mohamed (Koh Lanta) all succumbed to the hair transplant.

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