Thomas Jacquemier, the general manager of the club, was our guest

He is one of the shadow men. But a man who has become almost indispensable to the Girondins de Bordeaux in recent seasons. Thomas Jacquemier is one of the few people in management to have remained at the club when it was bought by Gérard Lopez a year ago. Since then, he has worked hand in hand with the new owner and president of Marine et Blanc to the point of becoming a man of confidence.

He is now the number 2 of the club and it is he who manages it on a daily basis. This Wednesday, Thomas Jacquemier came to present the new Cœur Girondins program which should allow the club to strengthen its territorial anchoring through societal operations. An opportunity to come back with him also on the state of the club’s finances and its role in recent seasons.

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