This zodiac sign that seems prudish is actually boiling hot in bed

You have to beware of sleeping water… While some people are 100% comfortable talking about sex, others are absolutely mortified at the very thought of talking about it. . An embarrassment not to be confused with shyness… and even less with chastity. And for good reason, it is well known, it is often “the one who says the least who does the most”! A sentence confirmed by those who were born under the sign of Pisces…

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Water sign par excellence, Pisces is a sensitive being who much prefers to talk about emotions than sex. A dreamy brunette, this native often withdrawn, tends to pass for someone very shy when he is simply in his bubble. A timorous side which explains why this native is perceived as a prudish person in bed… While this is obviously a false prejudice.

Tactile and very attentive, this native is “like a fish in water” in bed and very easily abandons himself in the arms of his other half. Romantic and attentive to others, this native seeks above all to give pleasure since it is in his way that he vibrates the most. Its goal ? Make you reach seventh heaven by all means. As you will have understood, under his shy looks, this native is an astrological sign as dreamy as it is sensual. A real rare pearl.

See also: Your astro love week!


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