this woman Prime Minister “that he wouldn’t stand half a day!”

On April 24, if Emmanuel Macron were to be reappointed President of the Republic, the Head of State would most likely change the composition of his government. And for several weeks, it has been rumored that the tenant of the Élysée would see a woman succeed Jean Castex. During his first victorious presidential campaign in 2017, Emmanuel Macron had expressed the wish to appoint a woman Prime Minister if he were elected President of the Republic. A decision ultimately aborted since it was Edouard Philippe who took on the costume of head of the first government.

In recent days, a possible candidate for the post has been mentioned according to some journalists. Our colleagues from L’Obs reported that the name of Elisabeth Borne would be in the papers of the President of the Republic in the event of victory on April 24. Graying hair wisely cut short, round glasses and discreet appearance, this 60-year-old senior civil servant was close to the Socialist Party for a long time, before joining La République en Marche and becoming Minister in charge of Transport in May 2017 in the first government Édouard Philippe. In July 2019, she became Minister of Ecological and Inclusive Transition, replacing François de Rugy, who had resigned.

But before the evocation of Elisabeth Borne, other indiscretions evoked the name of Christine Lagarde. “Matignon is not his option at all“, had reacted for his part the entourage of the President of the ECB who recalled a month earlier: “I have a trade, I have a function. I’m in Frankfurt until 2027. I don’t usually give up along the way.“The former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy would have recently added:”I lose my voice“. As for the entourage of Emmanuel Macron, he mocks: “Christine is an icon! And with Macron, there is only one politician, it’s him. He couldn’t stand half a day“.

Thibaud Cruz

See also: The very disturbing confessions of Brigitte Macron

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