This winner of a very famous television game show tried for murder …

In 2013, Françoise and Daniel Malgouyres were the lucky winners of the Favorite garden of the French animated by Stéphane Bern thanks to their Saint-Adrien garden in Servian (Hérault). Four years later, on October 5, 2017, the couple was assaulted in their home by two armed burglars.

The owner grabbed his shotgun and killed one of the thugs, a man named David Viers. His accomplice, Richard Bruno, finally fled. Placed in custody, Daniel Malgouyres pleaded self-defense. Indicted for murder, he is left free in this case that looks like a burglary gone wrong.

But this version is called into question when investigators get their hands on the second burglar.

The latter will explain that it was actually a fake burglary imagined by Daniel Malgouyres and Richard Llop (a close friend of the couple, editor’s note) in order to scare his wife and extort money from her. . Moreover, more than 100,000 euros were found buried in a stable, and a sum of 400,000 euros, which has never been discovered, is also mentioned. At the time, the couple were going through a marital crisis and were looking for a divorce.

“They were married under the universal community regime which provides that the spouses share everything they have acquired during their marriage and in the event of a divorce, they leave with everything they had before and share the rest. where they considered a divorce, they realized that the garden only belonged to Daniel Malgouyres, he wanted to modify the notarial deed so that it benefits from half of the land (estimated at 5 million euros) . If he had wanted to be in bad faith, he would not have signed this act: it is one of the proofs of his innocence, but no one wants to see her “, said Me Jean-Marc Darrigade, the accused’s lawyer according to France 3.

The trial of Daniel Malgouyres opened this Monday, November 29 for three weeks, after four years of investigation and twists. He is now on trial for “murder”, “attempted murder” and “complicity in attempted extortion by an organized gang”.

To see also: Bernard Tapie: after the burglary, his son Stéphane makes an announcement on the latest discovery of his doctors …


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