The envelope announced by the government on Tuesday will “absorb the deficits for the year 2023”, but “will not be enough to resolve the nursing home crisis in a sustainable manner,” according to Romain Gizolme, speaking to France Inter.
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The emergency plan announced by the government to help nursing homes “will help avoid parting with professionals”, reacts Romain Gizolme, director of the association of directors serving the elderly. The executive has notably decided to allocate 650 million euros to nursing homes, including 190 million for public establishments. For the AD-PA, such an envelope will allow “to absorb the deficits for the year 2023”.
Faced with the major financial difficulties encountered by the sector, the Minister for the Elderly, Fadila Khattabi, announced a 5% increase in state allocations for public and associative nursing homes and 3% for private establishments. Romain Gizolme explains that it is “increases on the healthcare budget, that is to say on what pays the healthcare staff”.
But the director of the AD-PA considers that the 5% increase in state funding for public nursing homes “will not be enough to resolve in a lasting and lasting way” their difficulties. “It will not save the State from a debate around the old age law that the sector has been waiting for for years”, he assures. Romain Gizolme is, in fact, convinced that, given “demographic change announced by 2030”France will have no other choice than “to invest in the sector of assistance to the elderly”.