this well-kept secret by Anthony Delon about his father!

Their relationship may be complicated, but it’s still filled with love. Indeed, between the sacred monster of cinema, Alain Delon, and his son Anthony, the links are strong and will remain so. And this even if the two have gone through complicated periods in their relationship. Moreover, the actor evoked precisely these difficult moments with his father when he was still only a child, during his time with Philippe Vandel in Culture Media.

“When you were a child, there was a tic that annoyed your father. […] Instead of raising the fork to the mouth, you were lowering the mouth towards the fork. Your father, it exasperated him”recalls the journalist to the father of three adorable girls before specifying: “One day, there’s a lunch, he gives you a soap. Lunch is over, your father goes back to your room with a big leather whip in his hand. It’s the leather whip from Zorro, the movie that ‘he was spinning, and he kicks you’. Faced with this memory, Anthony Delon does not overwhelm his father, on the contrary.

Particular moments, which have always remained secret

Indeed, he explains that he detailed this moment in his book Between dog and wolf. According to him, it was not the adult Alain Delon who took out the whip after lunch, but the abandoned child inside his body: “It’s the child inside him, who was in pain, who spoke at that time. That’s what I understood one day. And that’s why I managed to forgive him”.

Thanks to this forgiveness, the actor was able to find a stable relationship, little by little, with his father figure. So much so that the two were able to share many moments. Moreover, in an interview given to our colleagues from Gala this Thursday, July 28, Anthony Delon revealed a secret that everyone ignored until now. “We had established a tradition: I went to see him every fortnight, on Thursdays in Douchy. We filmed each other. We talked to each other. We even joked. said: ‘Stay still, you’re great, it’s important that we know who you are Tony!’ That, I will never forget”he reveals to our colleagues, no doubt still very moved by these moments.

See also: War in Ukraine: the surprising announcement of Alain Delon who agreed to go there to meet Zelensky


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