This weekend, push the doors of the Jardins Passions in the North

This weekend, the 35 members of the Jardins Passions association are opening the doors to their gardens. These gardens are all located in the departments of Nord and Pas-de-Calais, but also in Belgium.

It’s a great opportunity to visit very different gardens in a day or two and talk to their owners. “Some gardens are ornamental, others food; some mix the two”explains Rodolphe Vétu, president of Jardins Passions.

“We have members who maintain Japanese gardens, others who devote their time to a water garden. I think that each visitor can really find happiness in this diversity.”

All the owners who are members of this association created in 2008 sign a charter in which they undertake in particular to:

– Preserve water resources.

– Use the organic matter produced in the garden in the garden.

– Choose plants adapted to the soil and the climate.

– Share their knowledge and skills.

Honey flowers, shelters... All means must be used to attract pollinators to the garden.   (ISABELLE MORAND / RADIO FRANCE / FRANCE INFO)

This is also one of the points of the charter to be respected. “For us, this is obviously a point as important as the others, through the existence of ponds, food for birds or shelters for insects. And one must, when one is a gardener, to ‘trying to reconstitute a nature thanks to everything that is offered to us. Thanks also to the various elements that we can bring to allow this nature to live as… naturally as possible.”

“A garden should be a corner of nature all by itself!”

Rodophe Vetu

at franceinfo

You will find the list of gardens, their descriptive sheets as well as the opening hours on the page

It’s up to you to choose according to your tastes or interests. The size of the gardens is very variable, they are in the countryside or in an urban environment. Some are exclusively nourishing, others are limited to ornament. Some are contemporary in style, others resolutely English in style.

Everyone can therefore have fun, pick up ideas and why not discover plants that are still unknown.

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