this very disturbing video showing the American president greeting an imaginary person!

During his long political career, Joe Biden has been nicknamed in many ways. The American president comes from a family of modest origins who settled in the year of his 10th birthday in the state of Delaware in Wilmington. The city will also become his stronghold and even when he becomes a senator in Washington in the 1970s. He will also inherit the nickname “Amtrak Joe”, in connection with the name of the railway line which connects the two states. But the former vice-president of Barack Obama has also been decked out with the nickname of “blunderer” following numerous blunders committed.

Compilations of his excesses also flourish on the internet. In 2008, in the middle of the campaign for Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate had launched in a rally: ”Chuck get up!”, wanting to pay tribute to Chuck Graham, former senator in the assembly of Missouri, unfortunately paraplegic. Jill Biden’s husband then immediately: ”What am I talking about… Everyone stand up for you!’

These serial gaffes have always been blessed bread for his political adversaries. During the presidential campaign for the White House, Donald Trump mocked him on his age and his lack of vigor by calling him “Sleepy Joe”. So there is no doubt that in front of the new video which has just made the buzz on Twitter, the former president would have enjoyed himself.

On Wednesday April 6, 2022, Joe Biden had invited his vice-president Kamala Harris and his former leader Barack Obama to the White House. And at the end of the speech, the commander in chief seemed totally lost, ostensibly seeking to greet someone in a vacuum. Images immediately taken up and commented on by certain internet users, including Gilbert Collard, support for Éric Zemmour, who tweeted this: “Look: the chief of the first army in the world… reassuring!”.

But the former lieutenant of Marine Le Pen, voluntarily or not, proposed only one part of the scene. Indeed, a journalist was then responsible for relaying the video in its entirety. And this one shows that Joe Biden is not senile as some would like to suggest. The American president indeed finds a collaborator then who comes to greet him.

Thibaud Cruz

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