this very disturbing message from Giuseppa, Paga’s companion, on Instagram!

Flagship couple of reality TV, Paga and Giuseppa have also just experienced the worst. The young woman has just posted, this Monday, December 12, a very alarming message from an Instagram story. “Hello, something very serious happened in the night from Saturday to Sunday. I had to take my car urgently from Toulouse, I drove 5 hours without stopping crying. Feeling completely helpless. Paga was also helpless in the North in booking. I’m sad to see what world we live in. How human beings can be born having a rotten race. Infamous and merciless“, wrote the reality TV candidate.

Before adding:I won’t let that kind of person scare me. Traumatize me or prevent me from living like a normal person. But on the other hand I will make sure that they can no longer be. I sincerely hope that justice will be done. You stole our privacy. Our material but not our principles and you should have. I spend two days to find our dogs. Our house (destroyed). We have appointments to see baby growing up, it will cheer us up. And good humor. Then I come back with explanations, but we leave the rest in the hands of justice… hoping with all my heart that it will be done!

A few weeks ago, the couple was already in the sights of Internet users after the publication of a vacation in Abu Dhabi. “You are making the Muslim religion too much of a fad, please really stop and keep its memories to yourself. It’s important”, “Stop believing that the Mosques or Mecca are the Louvre museum or places to visit. It is the House of Allah and it is Forbidden to Non-Muslims. Respect a little”, “Stop friends from wanting to retrain everyone. Islam is not a garbage religion where everyone is stuffed. Respect Allah. Marine is Moroccan from a Muslim father, but they have nothing to do with Islam”, “New trend for influencers, buzz with religion…”could we read in the comments.


See also: Paga, star of “Marseillais”, officially retires!

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