this very daring joke of Nagui in “Don’t forget the lyrics” which disgusted viewers!

Manon continues her merry way in “N’oublie pas les mots” on France 2. The champion was back on Tuesday, January 10 to try, during the first broadcast, to reach twenty victories, synonymous with a trip to the Sun. A formality for the one whose kitty has reached 155,000 euros in earnings and who has entered among the greatest maestros of the show. The young woman thus equals Élodie and becomes the 32nd greatest candidate in the game presented by Nagui.

But the latter, faithful to his usual jokes, somewhat cooled the atmosphere with a joke of which he alone sometimes has the secret. After a few days of looking out of shape, Cruella, the show’s famous voiceover, looked perky. It was then that the husband of Melanie Page came to the news. “It’s much better than yesterday“slipped the host of Taratata. Before going into details that the public would have done well without.”Oh dear, that drain you did“, he launched. But Cruella did not let it go, even if it meant getting into the game of the host. “It just kept flowing“, she added.

A detail that did not prevent Manon from winning another victory and continuing on her good momentum. Internet users, quite fans of the young woman, have also noticed that the current was going rather well between the new maestro and Nagui. Some even accuse him of having made it his favorite.

What a joy to find Manon every evening, what a memory, congratulations!”,“The opponents of Manon are handpicked, so that Manon pampers Nagui, wins”, “Nagui the more it goes, the more pitiful it is. A cop he makes fun of, a charcuterie salesman he makes fun of. He’s from a family of nerds. And with Manon he looks like an old pervert. And you saw when she wins she keeps her distance when he hugs her“, can we read on Twitter.


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