this very clear message sent by the two singers before the second round of the presidential election!

After finding Eddy Mitchell and Johnny Hallyday in a tour called “The old scoundrels”, Jacques Dutronc decided to go back on stage. And it is again alongside a loved one that he takes the microphone. The singer and his son Thomas Dutronc have been on tour since April 12. Before settling in the Casino de Paris, they will criss-cross France until February 2023. The father/son duo will even perform at the Accor Arena on December 21, 2022. The two artists will perform their respective hits, including the standards of the septuagenarian like “And me, and me, and me”, “Gentleman burglar”, “The little garden”, which they had interpreted as a duet for the previous project of the son of Françoise Hardy, “Fais pas ci, faire pas that” or “Cacti”.

But a few days before the second round of the presidential election, the two artists have chosen to perform a hit that leaves little room for doubt about the message sent. “It’s a great pleasure to live this adventure with my father, I’ve had this project in mind for a long time. Whether on stage or in the studio, I really wanted to revisit these mythical titles, to modernize them while keeping this sixties spirit”. says Thomas Dutronc, who also wanted his father’s song “L’opportuniste” as the first extract. A choice which obviously has a particular resonance because of the news linked to the presidential election, the second round of which is scheduled for this Sunday, April 24, between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen.

During the first, Thomas and Jacques Dutronc did not fail to pay a tender tribute to Françoise Hardy, who is the mother of the first and the historical companion of the second. The duo took over their hit “Le temps de l’amour” in an instrumental version. “Do you know how I met your mom? I had written a song called “Fort Chabrol”. She wanted to sing it and it became “Le temps de l’amour“” said Jacques Dutronc with tenderness.

Thibaud Cruz

See also: Thomas Dutronc shares sad news on Twitter

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