Nearly one in two people is affected by dry skin worldwide. It is recalled that dry skin designates a type of skin and a permanent state of the skin. Having dry skin results in tightness, redness and a tight texture, results of an abnormality in the skin barrier. The skin is indeed lacking in lipids (fat) and water.
To remedy this and regain supple and soft skin, it is of course necessary to hydrate and eat healthy but also to have a routine to nourish the skin on the surface. So today we make you discover a cream that is currently making the buzz thanks to its moisturizing and repairing powers.
This is the Body Superfood Cocoa Butter Restorative Body Cream from the Garnier brand. A very rich treatment, capable of nourishing up to 10 layers of the epidermis hydrated for 48 hours, all with rapid absorption and a non-greasy finish. At the heart of the formula highly concentrated in extra-nourishing nutrients: cocoa butter and ceramide with repairing power. A formula that is also vegan and composed of 97% ingredients of natural origin and approved by Cruelty Free International.

Elizabeth Sall