this ultimate provocation in the middle of a concert!

This Tuesday, May 30, 2023, Laurent Ruquier will be back on France 2 in the show, “The Children of TV”. Faithful to the DNA of the show, the companion of Hugo Manos will have fun bringing out the worst pans of his guests. To the delight of his viewers, the host will honor cult sequences and even forgotten by them. For this new edition, Elie Semoun, Matt Pokora, Christine Bravo, Hélène Darroze should be there.

Same story for Dave or even Patrick Bruel! In 2019 on the set of the show, the star was surprised to rediscover an old sequence shot during his adolescence. A nugget that came from an old series by Marco Pico “Paris-Saint-Lazarre” broadcast in the 80s. “I have trouble, balls trouble. I have a ball that gets stuck from time to time and does not come down”, then loose Patrick Bruel to his partner on the screen. An extract that hit the mark!

At 64, the ex-companion of Amanda Sthers can boast of being appreciated in the profession. His admirers also like to find him – every year – on the Enfoirés stage, in concert or in countless fictions. However in the media, an artist has repeatedly attacked the singer. Her name ? Gérard Depardieu. In 2017 for the OBS”, Barbara’s great friend violently tackled Lily Passionposthumous opus inspired by the show… While castigating that of Patrick Bruel (2015 editor’s note), Very often I think of you which pays homage to the singer’s greatest hits.

see also:

“We have already inflicted Patrick Bruel …”

“I don’t want to be the surety for a family of undertakers or for a music industry that is making money with the 20th anniversary of Barbara’s disappearance. We’ve already inflicted Patrick Bruel on ourselves, that’s enough!”, Gerard Depardieu was annoyed. Rebelote a year later in the columns of “Télé Star”, while he was promoting his record Depardieu sings Barbara :I don’t know how I managed to sing. If you’re trying to find out, you’re screwing up. A lot of singers do that. But I don’t want to speak ill of Patrick Bruel…”.

The coup de grace was in August 2020. During the Lacoste Festival in the Luberon, Catherine Deneuve’s acolyte could not help but drop a new valve with regard to Patrick Bruel as reported “Provence”. Between two songs, Gérard Depardieu slipped to the public: “I did not break the voice”. A new spade that got people talking!


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