this ultimate project that will make a lot of noise!

At 87, Alain Delon can boast of having marked the middle of the 7ᵉ art. The icon has played in more than 90 films, several of which have met with great international success. He has played opposite cinema legends and stolen the hearts of the most beautiful women in the world! After having chained successes, the iconic actor aspires to live in peace far from the spotlight.

However, Alain Delon remains very attentive to current events in the world, which worries him to the highest degree. The war in Ukraine is one of the subjects that upsets him. Wanting to help his neighbor, Alain Delon decided to act. Thus, he joined the producer and journalist Cyril Viguier who has the honor of being part of his inner circle. In 2021, the latter has also joined the actor in his stronghold located in Douchy to reassure the media about his health concerns.

A project eagerly awaited by viewers

“We’ve been friends for 40 years. I wanted to show that Delon was better, that he was recovered, and show it to the whole world. Delon is back!”, confided the host on the airwaves of France Info. As our colleagues from TV5 World, the famous actor will participate in the TV special “Facing Ukraine” which will be unveiled on February 23 at 9:30 a.m., same story the next day at 5 p.m. on the channel.

At the latest news, Catherine Deneuve will also be there. “The two stars will read texts by Taras Shevchenko and Lessia Oukraïnka, two of the greatest Ukrainian poets”, we learn. In addition, viewers will also be able to discover an exclusive interview with Olena Zelenska, the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. While the conflict is hitting her country hard, the First Lady is struggling to rebuild hospitals and schools destroyed by bombs. Subject that she was able to discuss with Brigitte Macron in 2022. The upcoming program should also highlight an exchange rich in emotions between Alain Delon and Volodymyr Zelensky. A meeting that will leave no one indifferent!


to see also: War in Ukraine: the surprising announcement of Alain Delon who agreed to go there to meet Zelensky!

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