this tweet from Valérie Damidot which completely agitates the Web!

We know Valérie Damidot for her talents in decoration, less for her political commitments. Well on June 29, she spoke on Twitterreacting to the remarks of Sébastien Chenu, deputy RN, held at the microphone of BFM-TV at the end of a meeting between the two rounds on April 14. “Apart from some media, political activists, there is not a Frenchman who thinks that Marine Le Pen is far right”said Marine Le Pen’s campaign spokesperson.

The one who revealed to have had a very bad memory with cosmetic surgery did not fail to react to these remarks. She tweeted: I think marine le pen is far right by sharing the interview with Sébastien Chenu. A statement that caused so much reaction that it propelled the host of “D&CO” to the top trends of the social network. Some appreciated this position and were amused by it. “That’s professional masking”, “it’s a good job now, go do waxed concrete lol”, “one of your greatest Master Classes on par with the time you broke a wall to make a kitchenette”could we read among the messages of support.

While others have rebuffed the 57-year-old TV host, judging that she does not have the right to express herself as a public figure and not a politician… “I think you should keep your wallpaper”, “you are very nice, Valérie, but spare us your political analyses”, “just fix apartments, politics is not your specialty”, “continue to marouflage and save us from your lights”commented the most slanderous.

Antoine FM

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