this totally unexpected separation… Shock announcement on social networks!

This is a page that turns for Hélène Darroze. This Thursday July 14, 2022 via his Instagram feed, Laeticia Hallyday’s sidekick honored a colleague who is dear to him. The latter, named Mohamed, will soon leave Connaught, a renowned London establishment in which the happy mother of two children stands out with all her teams.

In these places, excellence prevails! As in all his other addresses. “Some women cry when they come to my restaurant and see me. It’s not uncommon. So I am aware of inspiring certain young women, and so much the better if I can help that. But I work out of passion, not to be a model”analyzed Hélène Darroze in the columns of Miss Figaro.

“Key person for the restaurant, inspiration for the team…”

For several years, the duo worked hand in hand. The departure of Mohamed greatly saddens the star of the kitchen. However, the chef is delighted with the upcoming projects of her sidekick. Exclusively, Internet users were able to discover rare shots of her with her faithful partner. “ Mohamed… Momo for everyone @theconnaught… Dad for us @helenedarrozeattheconnaught (because he is also the dad of 4 children)… 14 years of loyalty, dedication, professionalism, passion…”, she explains in the caption of her publication. “Key person for the restaurant, inspiration for the team… @helenedarrozeattheconnaught will never be the same without him”.

In her post, Hélène Darroze also winked at her two daughters: “On a more personal side, he met Charlotte when she was one, he welcomed baby Quiterie when we got back from Vietnam and he never fails to ask, ‘How are the girls? as soon as I arrive to work at the Connaught… thank you Papa Momo for everything… #sicestpaslebonheurcayresemble”. Unsurprisingly, his message touched many of his subscribers. Like Laeticia Hallyday who obviously liked her pictures.


to see also: New cut, new teeth … and ugly reviews, this unpublished shot of Laeticia Hallyday and Hélène Darroze challenges internet users

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