This time when the ex-star of the 12 Coups de midi showed a pornographic magazine to an 11-year-old boy …

The name of Christian Quesada returned on Thursday, January 6. The day before, Wednesday January 5, a documentary entitled Christian Quesada, from the TV studios to the prison on the chain W9. Several revelations were made including this time, in 2001 when he was the subject of a complaint. He had shown a pornographic magazine to an 11-year-old child in a park in the city of Antony (Essonne).

“Christian Quesada will explain to the police that he was quite simply the wrong interlocutor”, indicated the voice-over of the documentary. The fallen game show star takes it a step further by saying he “was going to sell” the review to a “collector and he imagined it was this little boy”, explained a commenter.

On the set of Do not touch My TV on C8. Guillaume Genton has the minutes of the hearing of Christian Quesada before the judge. “When the judge asks him what his motivations were, to talk to minors, boys and girls, on the internet. He replied: ‘I wanted to fantasize, to have sexual conversations as much as possible. Why with minors? Because the networks social groups are more frequented by minors. I have a problem with the 15-21 age group. I am more comfortable talking with minors than with people my age “.

As a reminder, the one who saw his records be broken by Paul, Eric and Bruno in the game presented by Jean-Luc Reichmann was indicted and placed in pre-trial detention for “minor corruption” and “possession and dissemination of child pornography”. He was then sentenced to three years in prison in 2020, before being finally released the following year.

To see also: Christian Quesada unrecognizable and “on the run”: here is where the former champion of the 12 Coups de midi would hide


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