“This text is dangerous”, considers the president of the LFI group in the National Assembly Mathilde Panot


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Mathilde Panot, leader of the La France insoumise deputies in the National Assembly, indicates on franceinfo that her party will table amendments, in particular on the establishment of the minimum wage at 1,500 euros and on the guarantee of autonomy, while the text on the protection of purchasing power arrives this Monday in debate in the Hemicycle.

The text on the protection of purchasing power which arrives Monday, July 18 at the National Assembly is a text “dangerous”estimated on franceinfo the president of the LFI group in the National Assembly Mathilde Panot.

“In reality, through this text, we are acting on something which is a drop in purchasing power for people”believes Mathilde Panot. “What bothers me deeply with this text is that it acts on the refusal to increase wages, that it acts on the refusal to dip into the private treasury and prefers to dip into the public treasury…”lists Mathilde Panot.

“In short, it is not structurally adapted and will continue in particular to dig the hole for Social Security.”

Mathilde Panot

at franceinfo

Mathilde Panot adds that amendments, in particular on the establishment of the minimum wage at 1,500 euros and on the guarantee of autonomy, will be tabled. “We will see what happens”, she says. The 20-article bill “carrying out emergency measures for the protection of purchasing power” passes first reading until Thursday, with more than a thousand amendments to the key. MEPs will continue with the examination of the draft amending budget for 2022 which should make it possible to finance and supplement these measures.

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