this terrible drama which put an end to the couple of Hilona and Julien Bert

Recently, she is no longer a heart to take. And her fans had a hard time realizing that Hilona had indeed broken up with Julien Bert when the two seemed so happy when they displayed their complicity on social networks. However, in the last shows in which they participated, everyone was able to realize that their couple was floundering and the flame could never be rekindled.

But then, why did the ex-lovebirds make the decision to end their story? The young woman precisely gave the answer in a video published on Youtube this Wednesday, June 15. “With Julien we had couple disputes, like all couples. It started in argument from time to time because we did not agree on subjects”reveals Hilona at first without really giving more information.

Two lost children…

However, following her speech, the young woman revealed that they were “two to suffer” in this story. “Sometimes I had the impression that it was just me, I couldn’t see that he was suffering too […] With hindsight, the wrongs are shared 50/50. We don’t fit, we’re not compatible. It’s impossible. We loved each other so much that we destroyed each other”, she confided. But what really blew up their relationship was a tragic event…

“Something happened in our relationship that weakened us enormously. I never talked about it […] we lost a child twice and in fact I really blamed him”, she later reveals very moved and obviously still not recovered from this terrible event. Hilona admits that she resented Julien Bert because he thought that “It was his fault because it was about our arguments when it was just normal. And in the end it completely destroyed me and that’s when everything fell apart because I couldn’t get over it”. If the two tried to pick up the pieces, this very difficult period could never be forgotten and the inevitable breakup…

See also: Milla Jasmine and Julien Bert announce great news to the Angels!


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