This terrible disappearance that upsets the Vantorre, the tribe at the bottom of the hole!

The show Large families, life in XXL continue to make the beautiful hours of TF1. On screen, countless tribes are featured. And the Vantorre unleash passions in the famous program. In the city, Aurélie and Mathieu are the happy parents of four children named: Mathias, 11 years old, Amélie 9 years old, Angélie, 8 years old and Maxence, 1 year old. And obviously, the whole family adapted brilliantly to the filming of the show.

“We were spotted on Instagram. I used to share my little family life in Martinique, and the casting agency La petite bonne asked us if we wanted to reveal a little more for a TV project. […]” confessed the young mother in the columns of Entertainment TV. “At the base, I started to expose my family, because I wanted to share our adventures and more particularly these last years in Martinique. I had a real crush on this island, and I wanted to show all its riches”.

new episodes of Large families, life in XXL are focused on their return to mainland France. A situation that was not easy for the little ones. “It was complicated to leave the life we ​​had, yes, our entourage too. I snatched my children from their friends, because we don’t know when we’ll be back… We all want to keep our ties, so we send each other messages at least once a week. But it’s complicated to change our habits… It hurt our hearts to leave”, added Aurélie for our colleagues.

This Friday, February 4, 2022, the whole tribe was worried. And for good reason, the family cat has disappeared. If everyone pitched in to find him, Mathias seemed very worried about him. “The only thing we can do to him is make him think of something else”, underlined Aurélie before opting with her husband for a family pedalo outing. An idea that had the desired effect… To be continued.


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