this tearful and traumatized former winner…

It was in 2006. Faced with 44 candidates, Alexandra Rosenfeld was elected Miss France 2006, at 19 years old. The young woman elected a year earlier Miss Languedoc 2005, succeeded Cindy Fabre and became the 76th Miss France. A consecration for this pretty blonde who had been mocked by the imitator Nicolas Canteloup for having affirmed during the competition that she wanted to work in communication.

Recently, Hugo Clément’s companion again showed that she had character by responding to the words of Fabrice Eboué who said that we watched Miss France “to see asses”.When you see the candidates express themselves, so young and with so much confidence, I think they are far from being stupid. And then Miss France is a beauty contest, of course, but it is not the only criterion. There is also the personality of the candidates. Personally, on the night of my election, I was not the prettiest. I find that my first runner-up was much more so”she said.

This weekend, the former beauty queen, now 35, was the guest of Laurent Ruquier and Léa Salamé in “We are live”. The opportunity for her to come back to this coronation which constituted a real upheaval for her. “I was just hoping to be in the twelve, so as not to go back to high school and people say like she made Miss France and she didn’t do anything. As I am called first in the twelve, I wait. It was just fun, and I didn’t expect to win at all“, she said. And to conclude: “I was very scared, it’s really a trauma this election. A beautiful trauma, I have absolutely no regrets, it was great, but the change was so brutal that I cried… And I cried for three months.”

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