this tax choice that does not pass!

He’s not going to make friends. But that probably matters very little. Indeed, since he has been on television, Bastos has always seemed very solitary, never allowing himself to be guided by a group. He has just proved it once again in the recent interview granted to Melty during which he did not hesitate to break the sugar on the candidates of the Marseilles especially those who live in Dubai.

Perhaps he has trouble digesting his separation from the pretty Victoria Mehault? Indeed, this one is itself part of the famous program of W9 and therefore rubs shoulders with the people Bastos attacked in the interview granted to our colleagues. An interview given on the sidelines of the release of his first book, on May 12, entitled Vanlifer Adventure – Reveal your inner nomad and hit the road. A book in which the candidate tells the concept of van life. A concept of life which, like the fans of Secret Story remember, has been very dear to the young man for several years.

Bastos does not appreciate “tax evaders”

Indeed, he detailed this way of life in his portrait for the famous reality TV show TF1 few years ago. Enough to make it clear that he appreciates solitude and does not only have good relations with his ex-partners in the program, except Kevin Guedj. “It was in Moundir and the Apprentis Aventuriers that I met Kevin and we became friends. He’s a guy I’ve always loved and respected a lot”he explains to Melty.

The darling of Carla Moreau can therefore feel privileged given that in the rest of his interview, Bastos fired live ammunition at the other candidates and in particular Julien Tanti. “I also love these people from reality TV who have stayed in France, especially when it comes to the people of Marseilles where there is such a cultural identity that is defended. I don’t understand why we are going to settle in Dubai to don’t pay taxes”he let go before considering the people quoted at the end of the statement as people who have “no face”.

See also: (INRQ): Friendship, humor and surgery, Bastien Grimal makes his choice


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