this surreal scene of Malik Bentalha in Thailand, a huge boa around his neck!

Ophiophobes better watch out, aka people who have a panicky, uncontrollable fear of snakes. On the set of “Télématin” this October 7, Malik Bentalha told this surreal scene in thailand. Or rather, he commented on it since the sequence was broadcast on the show’s set. We see the comedian with a huge boa around his neckbody in water, surrounded by people. “It’s with the most dangerous snake of humanity, this snake had already killed four people before. I had a fairly prominent musculature at that time”, he said not without humor. Before telling the real story behind this scene: “No more seriously, it’s a scene with a boa. We were very scared. As you can see the Thai team around me, the problem is that I didn’t speak Thai and they didn’t speak English so it gave rise to somewhat comical situations (…) And you had to go underwater with it. There were little snakes that got into my jeans. A story worthy of “Fort Boyard”, as noted by the host. “You know I’m going to get a text from Olivier Minne who is going to offer you Fort Boyard now. Because there frankly you can do anything once you’ve done that”he launched.

On the images of this video, Malik Bentalha did not have the same physique. Indeed, the comedian was shedding a record number of pounds in 2019. “I must have lost 35 kilos thanks to the sport. I run, I am a hamster, I am excessive and relentless”he confided in an interview with Tele-Leisure. After a feeling of discomfort on stage, he decided to completely change his pace. “I’ve always had weight problems, since I was little. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t take drugs. My drug, on the other hand, has always been food and I manage badly. I’m a popcorn. As soon as I’m not well I eat”he said.

Laura Bertrand

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