this story of “hidden microphones” which is controversial!

Do they have the right? This is the first question asked by the teams of “Daily” when they discover the report broadcast by France 2 over the weekend. Indeed, this Wednesday, March 29, Yann Barthès and his teams wanted to come back to a highlight of the news presented by Laurent Delahousse. A moment that strongly challenged them and on which they wanted to react by broadcasting a magneto of said report.

In the excerpt, we can hear Laurent Delahousse presenting the work of his teams: “Several weeks of filming, microphones placed, with their agreement, on the protagonists, an immersion that will allow you to observe more closely this tectonic of the political plates as rarely”. Julien Bellver, columnist and journalist for “Daily”then adds: “Laurent Delahousse’s teams have put microphones on the jackets of several deputies in the hemicycle, France 2 makes this clarification: ‘all the characters in this series have agreed to wear a microphone and that their words be broadcast'”.

See also: Big discomfort between Edouard Philippe and columnist Maïa Mazaurette on the set of “Daily”

The sequence of Laurent Delahousse which calls out to “Daily”

During the report, we can hear Marie-Charlotte Garin, MP for Europe Ecology-Les Verts NUPES, explaining the role that a deputy has with the citizens, all in the middle of the hemicycle. But Julien Bellver does not stop there and then broadcasts another sequence to ask viewers a question. “So did the other deputies accept that their colleagues be equipped with hidden microphones? On the other sequences we can see here (Quotidien broadcasts a tape recorder and indicates with an arrow where the microphones are: editor’s note) that the microphones are clearly visible. Would Aurélien Pradié, for example, have played the same number if he had not been equipped with a concealed lapel microphone?he wondered.

Still in the magneto broadcast by Yann Barthès’ teams, we can discover Aurélien Pradié, LR deputy, addressing his party president, Éric Ciotti, directly to order him to “don’t point fingers” and, repeatedly, with insistence. A sequence that would not have pleased the Republicans according to The Parisian, who talks about “unfair process”. “So do the regulations of the National Assembly authorize this new journalistic genre? We asked them the question, we are waiting for the answer”finally concluded the journalist of “Daily”, leaving the mystery on the question.


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