this star actor of “Desperate Housewives” comes close to hell …

To this day, the “Desperate Housewives” saga continues to unleash passions. Nine years ago, however, the series ended to the chagrin of viewers. Eva Longoria, one of the stars of the saga, seems ready to shoot new episodes. “I would be the very first to sign. My bags to return to Wisteria Lane are already packed and knocking on my door ”, entrusted the actress for the media Extra. “I miss being Gabby. I miss being able to slip into his skin. So yeah I’ll be the first to sign [en cas de reboot]. ”

But Jesse Metcalfe, his ex-partner, does not share his enthusiasm. As a reminder in fiction, he played John Rowland the attractive gardener of the Solis family. On screen, the handsome brunette was also Gabrielle’s lover. Long considered a “sex symbol”, the actor has however suffered from his growing notoriety. Jesse Metcalfe recently made shocking confidences on this subject in the columns of the ID Vice magazine. Being a sex symbol depends a lot on the roles you play and my roles put me on a pedestal. But my appearance was also criticized by many people in the media ”, confessed the star who experienced a terrible descent into hell.

The actor could no longer constantly play with his physique. “Being shirtless in every episode of Desperate Housewives has brought a lot of pressure. You need to stay in the best shape you can and then between projects everyone expects you to stay in that shape 24/7, 365 days a year. It is not realistic ”, added the artist, bitter. “I really felt it. There was a lot of media attention and it caused me a lot of anxiety and pressure (…) ”. To deal with the media pressure, Jesse Metcalfe even got involved in drugs and alcohol “There is a lot of alcoholism in my family and this is the path I have chosen, unfortunately. It was quite grotesque “, he stressed. Bad memories now behind him …


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