“This social protest is salutary”, according to Nathalie Arthaud, Lutte Ouvrière presidential candidate

“This social protest is healthy”estimated Saturday, February 12 on franceinfo Nathalie Arthaud, candidate Lutte Ouvrière in the presidential election, while the “freedom convoys” are at the gates of Paris to demonstrate against rising prices, health measures and the policy of Emanuel Macron.

This “Social protest is the denunciation of soaring gas prices, Total’s super profits, precariousness, low wages. They are right to fight and I applaud them for inviting themselves into this campaign election. It feels good to finally hear about the problems of the working classes.”

The discount of 5 euros at checkout for a full 50 liters in rural areas, announced by Total, “that revolts me”reacted Nathalie Arthaud. “The increase in the price of gasoline is the will of the oil trusts. In reality Total increases the price of gasoline and that is what makes its super profits. I think that the workers must pay zero tax and they would have to be compensated by the confiscation of part of the profits. So this movement puts all that on the table.”

Employment is on the rise again, as is growth. “Workers must be able to demand wage increases to match and increases in retirement pensions such as we have not seen for 52 years. The minimum wage must be 2,000 net per month, this must be a minimum for workers. wages and pensions”explained Nathalie Arthaud.

For her, it takes “hire in schools, in hospitals” and it needs “better pay caregivers, workers, they carry society, they should be a priority”launched the candidate of Lutte Ouvrière.

Nathalie Arthaud will hold a meeting at the Théâtre de la Mutualité on Saturday February 12 at 3 p.m. which will be broadcast live on her campaign site.

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