this snub that Taylor Swift has just subjected her to!

Really… everything is going from bad to worse for the Sussexes! After their more or less voluntary disgrace from the royal family, their series deemed scandalous on Netflix, the shattering memoirs of Prince Harry with international repercussions and in which he pinpoints his relatives (The Spare), a recent ridiculous chase, the parents of Archie and Lilibet chain the worries while continuing to unleash the passions. Latest hard blow : the formal termination of the contract between Meghan Markle and Spotify! Farewell the $20 million promised by the platform! On the latter, the former actress offered series of interviews with personalities like Mariah Carey, Selena Williams or even Paris Hilton. Her “girlfriends” from the jet-set. With this break, there will therefore be no second season ofArchetypes, the name chosen for these interviews with influential women. And this Saturday, June 24, 2023, the wall street journal reveals that the singer Taylor Swift, personally invited by the daughter-in-law of King Charles III, had declined her invitation! And above all, by letting it be known by one of his agents… a real crime of lèse-majesté for Meghan Markle.

Scheduled interviews with Donald Trump

A snub that underlines the unpopularity of the couple? Anyway, the couple finds themselves with the grass cut under their feet because they had many project ideas for the Spotify platform. Prince Harry also wanted to do interviews with heads of state, politicians and personalities like Donald Trump or Mark Zuckerberg, as Bloomberg magazine recently indicated. Bye bye royalties… As a bonus, their current contract with Netflix would also be about to be stopped when it expires in 2025, as our American colleagues point out. A clean cut in the Sussex budget which promises to be difficult to live with…

See also: Meghan Markle and Harry in turmoil!


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