This “slap” that shattered the dreams of Patricia Kaas!

This is the earthquake that everyone has been talking about for several days! On Friday June 24, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade who had guaranteed the right to abortion throughout the country. From now on, each American state will be free to authorize or prohibit abortion, as was the case before 1973. A scandalous decision which provoked millions of reactions both across the Atlantic and in the rest of the world.

Abortion, a subject that has been discussed over the years by French stars including Patricia Kaas. In 2011, the artist unveiled his autobiography The shadow of my voice. During the writing of this book, at the age of 44, she discovered that she could not “carry a child”.

“It was a slap. I experienced it as an injustice, because I lead a healthy lifestyle, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs. That’s what pissed me off the most. I thought I could choose when I gave birth, but no, nature decided”she confided to our colleagues from Gala. The interpreter of My man went on to say: “Either I was not with the right person, or it was not the right time. It happened that a man asked me to keep our child, but in my head my choice was clear. It can be shocking. But Since the age of twenty, I have managed my life. Even if I can no longer get pregnant, I do not regret my choices today”.

If today, Patricia Kaas is much less in the light, her ex, the chef spends this Tuesday, June 28 on C8. In the company of Raphaële Marchal, the 53-year-old man who is going through a very difficult period with the death of his son Antoine, presents the program The 10 favorite dishes, the ranking of the French.

See also: Patricia Kaas “Murdered”: What is the news of the singer…

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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