this situation which annoys and makes Pascal Obispo go out of its hinges

Social networks are a great help since they are part of our daily life. They allow us to reunite with childhood friends, keep us up to date with current events and much more. However, false information circulates on certain media and it is partly for this reason that their use can sometimes be dangerous. But on top of that, even if you have your own account, you are not immune to having someone steal your identity. And it is probably not Pascal Obispo who will say the opposite.

The interpreter of “Tombé pour elle” is not the only one to have seen his identity usurped. As our colleagues from here is, Caroline Margeridon, Closed Deal buyer, was also paying the price a few weeks ago. She, like many personalities, noticed that many accounts using her name contacted her followers to make them believe that she had ” need money “ and that it was indeed her. “You have to stop believing that I am writing to you or asking you for money via the networks! I only reply on my Instagram @caromargeridon with the blue dot, when you write to me in a private message or on my page. All the others are fake accounts ”, she warned.

And Pascal Obispo seems to be in the same situation as evidenced by his last post on his Instagram account. The artist, who was the victim of discomfort on stage on November 29, published a screenshot of a fake fan account to warn his community. “Beware of fake profiles. I only have ONE Instagram account! The one from which I post these messages, with the blue thumbnail », he warned before adding: “The others are USURPATORS, who often ask for photos or meetings, unhealthy people […] Take care “. Let’s hope that the artist’s warning allows all his fans not to fall for the trap and make them understand that he does not exchange with their idol but indeed with a usurper …

See this post on Instagram A post shared by Pascal Obispo (@pascalobispo)

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