EU leaders decided on Thursday to open accession negotiations with Ukraine
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“It’s a decision that was expected in Ukraine. We hoped for it and we believed in it and we did our job to have this decision, even with the war”greets Lesia Vasylenko, Ukrainian MP, on franceinfo, after the decision of the European Council on Thursday December 14 to open accession talks with Ukraine.
For the President of the European Council Charles Michel, this decision to open accession negotiations with Ukraine, but also with Moldova, is “a clear signal of hope for the citizens of these countries and for our continent.” “This is a victory for Ukraine, for all of Europe, a victory that motivates, inspires and strengthens”immediately launched Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“A very fair and important result”
“We continued to make reforms, followed the plan for joining the European Union and we got the result. We, Ukrainians, see this as a very fair and important result”, explains Lesia Vasylenko. This advert “shows Ukrainians that Europeans see Ukraine as a member of the European family, that Ukraine is truly a European country with European values and which does everything to be a member of this European family”details the Ukrainian MP.
This announcement from the European Council has a “symbolic and political value, it is important. It will “have immense economic repercussions”. “It will provide security” and the Russians “will understand that Ukraine is already accepted into the European Union” And “we will have much more systematic support as a candidate country and even more as a member country of the European Union”.