this shooting that shattered everything

For its very first achievement, Franck Dubosc

met with great success. Indeed, the 59-year-old actor went behind the camera to offer his first romantic comedy in 2018: Everyone standing. A film in which the actor has the leading role, and opposite Alexandra Lamy and
Gérard Darmon

In terms of the synopsis, our colleagues atAllocinated

recall that the feature film focuses on “Jocelyn, a successful businessman”. A flirt and an inveterate liar. “Tired of being himself, he finds himself despite himself seducing a young and pretty woman by pretending to be disabled. Until the day she introduces him to her sister who is herself disabled…”, note our colleagues. A risky bet to approach disability through the prism of comedy. And yet, Franck Dubosc succeeded wonderfully as evidenced by the rave reviews when the feature film was released.

Also see: “When we love each other we leave each other!” : Franck Dubosc proudly announces a “new start” on Instagram

The cut scene which caused some tension between Franck Dubosc and Gérard Darmon

And yet, the understanding was not always good on the set. Particularly between the 59-year-old actor and Gérard Darmon. In fact, the latter emptied his bag in June 2018 during his visit to CNEWS. The 75-year-old actor apparently did not appreciate a scene being cut during editing. In June 2020, two years later, it was finally the main interested party who returned to the controversy during his visit to Thierry Ardisson in Sunday Earthlings.

“He was unhappy and we were all unhappy when we were cut off. It’s a very beautiful scene […] But I didn’t cut this scene because I’m the boss. We all got cut, we all had a lot of cut scenes.”he confided before continuing: “Besides, it hurts everyone, even the director. Sometimes these are scenes that we love, but for the balance of the film they have to be removed”. Despite this disagreement, this does not detract from the charm of the film which you can find this Monday evening on TF1.


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