this shocking speech on the World Cup in Qatar…

This is one of the most anticipated events of the year! In Qatar, the Football World Cup has just started. Thus, thousands of supporters from all over the world traveled there to watch the matches. But this competition is not unanimous. And for good reason, this great sporting celebration is marred by countless scandals. The death of thousands of workers for the construction of infrastructures has not ceased to shock public opinion. International media have also brought to light suspicions of corruption to organize the tournament in Qatar.

Others also lamented the dire ecological outlook. “Qatar is not a country of football. I am not against the idea of ​​hosting a World Cup in a country where there is a possibility to develop and promote football, like in South Africa or in the United States in the 90s. But in Qatar , the truth is that there is no such potential. There is nothing […]. », assured the ex-international Eric Cantona in the columns of the DailyMail.“It’s all about the money and the way they treated the people who built the stadiums, it’s horrible. And thousands of people died. And yet, we are going to celebrate this World Cup”.

“If you knew how many things I’ve already handed over…”

And that’s not all ! Teams should not be able to freely wear the LGBT armband to denounce homophobia in football. To this day, homosexuality is severely repressed in the Middle East. Thus, FIFA would have pressed to record this decision to avoid a scandal. On the set of theAfter Foot, Daniel Riolo gave his opinion on the organization of this new World Cup. And he has no need to shock with his opinion.

“Having been in Qatar for 24 hours, if you knew the number of things I have already questioned compared to what I had heard as nonsense, as fake news about Qatar”, released the companion of Géraldine Maillet on the airwaves of RMC. Words that are likely to provoke many reactions on the Web…


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