this sentence that Jamel Debbouze can no longer bear to hear

About ten days ago, on June 15, Jamel Debbouze celebrated the debut of the tenth edition of Marrakech du rire. As in previous years, the comedian had brought together the cream of his trade. Gad Elmaleh, Elie Semoun, Florence Foresti, Franck Dubosc or even Audrey Lamy, the greatest comedians have honored the invitation of the companion of Mélissa Theuriau.

If Jamel Debbouze is today one of the favorite comedians of the French around whom the greatest meet, the oldest remember his debut on the encrypted channel and in particular in the H series. “I have a feeling that we shouldn’t deflower this […] I have the impression that we should not go back there. It’s like an ex. That’s it, finished. If you come back, you’ll fuck the shit up“, he told our colleagues from Konbini about a hypothetical return to the program. In this interview, Léon’s dad also took the opportunity to dive back into his memories and in particular on “Éric (Judor) who did anything what”. “Luckily there were no social networks at the time, he would be in prison […] And Ramzy, I really have a theory on this guy, I’m sure he ran away from a laboratory“.

And even if he will not return to Canal + as an actor, Jamel Debbouze will be present on Saturday June 25 on the encrypted channel since the performances of the Jamel Comedy Club will be broadcast almost two years after that of a grand gala. . On the occasion of this event, the actor was invited with Waly Dia, spotted ten years ago during an open scene by the native of Trappes, from “The question box”. The two comedians took the opportunity to denounce the biggest cliché about their profession.

When you are told ‘You are funnier on television than in real life‘”, balances Jamel Debbouze who then specifies: “Teddy Riner in life he does not make takashis commandos to everyone…“.


See also: Jamel Debbouze denies the words of a journalist

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