this sentence released live which is surprising!

Every year, columnists have to go there. Benjamin Castaldi, Géraldine Maillet, or even Kelly Vedovelli, they all undergo the terrible ordeal of the class council of TPMP. A moment during which the columnists are judged by their colleagues by receiving notes from them. But to explain the ratings assigned, the members of Cyril Hanouna’s team give arguments that explain the path that led them to this rating.

This Monday, June 20, it is the “dean” of the columnists who faced her colleagues behind her desk: Valérie Benaïm. One of the closest to Cyril Hanouna received very different ratings from everyone. An 8 from Kelly Vedovelli, 7 for Raymond and 4 for Guillaume Genton. Some unfortunately did not want to be nice to their colleague. Like Gilles Verdez who stuck a poor 0.25 to the columnist.

Danielle Moreau freewheeling

But the most surprising is undoubtedly Danielle Moreau. The columnist who recently burst into tears when she discovered the photo of her parents on the show, gave a nice 7 out of 10 when explaining her rating: “Valérie you are the voice of reason, you are our mum to all! You are the good friend that we dream of having but precisely you have the faults of your qualities”.

If, so far, Danielle Moreau had managed to hold on, she let go completely to warn her colleague: “You are sometimes a little too good a friend, it clouds your judgment a little bit. You are even at the limit of a sucker on the scale of sucking which goes from 1 to 10. That is to say Bernard Montiel To Guillaume Genton, I place you at 7. Sucoteuse, let’s say. So my advice for next year. Suck less and bite more!”. Hoping that Valérie Benaïm does not take the advice at face value…

See also: Valérie Bénaïm on the verge of tears!


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