this sentence of Julien Clerc on her breasts which does not pass at all …

If Sophie Marceau is one of the favorite personalities of the French, everything suggests that she is also very popular in the world of cinema. However, the actress who celebrates today, Wednesday November 17, 2021, her 55 years, was once quarreled with the singer Julien Clerc … to such an extent that the case even almost ended in court.

In 1997, the hit “Enough, enough ” by Julien Clerc. A song in which the singer expresses his desire to replace sharp weapons with round things. As “balloons”, “hoops” and… “Sophie Marceau’s breasts! we hear in the title. A reference to the actress’s chest that she hadn’t liked at all. “I was horribly embarrassed by this record. When I received it at home, I hid it. I was afraid that my entourage would fall on it. I was in pain, as if I had done something stupid. Like I’m showing my boobs on the radio. Breasts are intimate, erotic, sexual. I felt naked ” had also declared the actress, a year after the release of the song.

Very recovered, Sophie Marceau had finally decided not to sue the singer. The latter then admitted that he had had a little before the release of the controversial song: “I said to myself that we were in bad shape. But at the same time, it was a song about everything that hurts, that stings, that cuts, that is on the arms. And in front of that, we said we need circles, round things, and at the end of the fall it was Sophie Marceau’s breasts each time. I thought it was cute ” he said in an interview.

Despite the scandal, Alain Souchon did not hesitate to surf the buzz and coming out two years later, the song “Au ras des daisies”: Without Sophie Marceau’s breasts, what are we doing ?“he sang.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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