This Sarthoise saves 400 euros on her shopping budget every month, thanks to the optimization

What if you did much cheaper shopping? This is possible with what is called “optimization”. Kenza Perdereau, a resident of La Bazoge, near Le Mans (Sarthe), started during confinement. Since then, the mother of two from Sarth has managed to divide your shopping budget by three. To respond to the numerous requests from her relatives, her colleagues, her family, the 30-year-old decided last March to create a Facebook group “The economy is life. Optimization and Good Deals” to share her tips. With inflation rising for months, the page is a hit and has over 4,000 members today.

Combine discounts and refunds

For her last shopping Kenza Perdereau bought about twenty products in total: dishwashing liquid, salmon, soda, sanitary protection,… for a budget of 51.54 euros. “With discount vouchers and immediate reductions, I got 30.54 euros and after reimbursement at home, I got 4.54 euros”, she explains.

La Sarthoise has made 90% saving through optimization. _”The idea is to combine immediate reductions or in-store jackpots, discount coupons that we will print or find in stores and mobile refunds.” _Many sites offer partial refunds for products costing 30 cents, 50 cents or more. In cumulating these refundsKenza Perdereau manages to pay less for these races, even to make a profit on certain products.

“Prepare everything in advance”

But these races at low prices still require “prepare everything in advance”. Before shopping, Kenza identifies sites that offer discounts and refunds, makes a shopping list with targeted items, goes to the supermarket and when she gets home, scans the products purchased and sends them to the sites for reimbursement. .

I save 400 euros per month on my shopping

“It’s a little logic to have. It took me about four hours the first time”, she says. But now she puts less than an hour for preparation and reimbursement. Kenza assures that she even has time to make the majority of her homemade dishes.

Although the shopping list is well defined before going to the supermarket, once in the store, the Sarthoise still allows herself to buy damaged fruits and vegetables in the anti-waste baskets and meat or fish at the end of the expiry date, on which there are discounts. She also donates to associations products that she buys but does not need and on which she makes a profit.

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