The centrist elected official from Loiret welcomes the decision of the Paris criminal court, Monday February 5, to acquit François Bayrou in the affair of the parliamentary assistants of the MoDem and the UDF.
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“Through François Bayrou, it revives the role of centrism in this macronie”reacted Monday February 5 on franceinfo Richard Ramos, MoDem deputy for Loiret, while François Bayrou was acquitted for the benefit of the doubt by the Paris criminal court, in the case of the parliamentary assistants of the MoDem and the UDF.
“It’s a relief and it demonstrates, once again, the probity of François Bayrou in this Fifth Republic”did he declare. “Almost the most honest man in this Fifth Republic who resigns even though he is not indicted. We had to wait six and a half years of ordeal for the courts to recognize his innocence”he added.
François Bayrou necessary to “restore this particular humanism” of the centrists
According to him, the release of the man from Pau changes the situation from a political point of view. François Bayrou “represents the center in France. This relaxation obviously allows him to have oxygen and to be better recognized in a government which is too right-wing and too Parisian”, he said. But the Loiret MP sees bigger for François Bayrou: “We have crossed the presidential election in ideas in 2022, we need someone like François Bayrou, with us the centrists, to bring back this particular humanism that we have as centrists in the next presidential fight.” The mayor of Pau was a candidate three times in the presidential election.
The former Minister of Justice, Michel Mercier, was sentenced to 18 months of suspended prison time, a 20,000 fine and 2 years of suspended ineligibility by the Paris criminal court in this highly anticipated judgment. “I take note of this, but it means that there was no system, neither in the political party nor in François Bayrou. There are deputies who were more than negligent, but in any case, there was no system and we demonstrated it with the acquittal of François Bayrou”, he said. The UDF and the MoDem were also sentenced as legal entities respectively to a fine of 150,000 euros, of which 50,000 were suspended, and to a fine of 350,000 euros, of which 50,000 were suspended.