this revenge that he will be able to take after several years of hardship

The Coronavirus pandemic has upset everyone and plans had to be revised later. To the great dismay of M.Pokora who uttered a rant when he discovered the health measures announced with regard to the concerts. “We understood that we were the last wheel of the carriage… but a little consideration for all those with whom you like to be associated when all is well! So either you announce ‘concerts possible with the wearing of the mask compulsory up to so many people’ or you ban and at least we know what to expect and we move on” he swung.

Before continuing:Your gap seat rule is impossible to implement when the tickets have been sold out for months! How do we find out who bought this or that place, who is in a group, who is not?! We’re going to search for people in the wild?! It makes no sense (…) Ban gatherings in this case and stop leaving us in the dark and making new announcements that do not help us at all… thank you”.

This Monday, March 7, 2022, viewers who did not have the chance to discover him at the theater were able to follow his performance live on M6 alongside Philippe Lellouche and Estelle Lefébure whom he confided in on their reports. But what were his real fears regarding this new challenge and confided to Gala: “I’m not subject to stage fright, admits Matt Pokora. My only apprehension was not to laugh myself at the valves of my character. I was afraid of having a smile of satisfaction after a replica that made laugh the whole room. And during the first two performances, I had a lot of it”.

But what Mr. Pokora wants to do the most in the world is to return to meet his public on tour. Kenna and Isaiah’s dad explained thus:I started working on new titles, it’s been almost three years since I went back to the studio. I want to release an album, go on tour again in order to take my revenge on the previous one that I had to cancel in mid-flight because of the epidemic when it was the biggest of my career. I’m hungry and really want to go back”. Good news for his fans.

See also:

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