This region of France is facing a very significant resumption of the epidemic … And worries specialists

After more than two years of wearing the mask, on March 14, Emmanuel Macron and the government officially announced that it was no longer compulsory in closed places, except for public transport. Also cancellation of the vaccination pass in cinemas, restaurants, museums and other public places. A life that resumes slowly, but surely.

But that was without counting on the resumption of contamination. On March 20, in just 24 hours, 81,283 new cases were recorded. An outbreak that has been unrecognized for several weeks, which is particularly accentuated in certain regions of France.

Finished the Omicron variant, it is now the BA.2 sub-variant that worries since it would be more contagious than the previous one. And especially in Hauts-de-France. In this region, the circulation of Covid-19 has increased by 40%, against only 25% nationally. Percentages reflecting 809 new contaminations per 100,000 inhabitants. Please note, for the moment, Hauts-de-France is not the region in which this indicator of cases per inhabitant is the highest, but it is in this region that the increase is the strongest.

Who are most affected?

The most affected are obviously children of school age, between 6 and 14 years old, in particular with the resumption of schools following the winter holidays. But also 30-49 year olds, that is, parents of children of school age in general. Moreover, if the cases increase rapidly, the number of hospitalizations also begins to worry. On a global scale, the rate is -5%, while on the scale of Hauts-de-France, the rate is +17%, and the only one to have increased.

We must therefore resume barrier gestures.


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