this regime “kills its own nationals with complete impunity”, accuses a sociologist specializing in the country

According to the sociologist Mahnaz Shirali, many women in particular identify with the fate of Mahsa Amini: “All Iranian women have […] full of bad memories with the morality police who are everywhere and who systematically repress women”.

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Demonstrations continue to break out across Iran to protest the death of Mahsa Amini. This young woman arrested by the morality police on September 13, died three days later after falling into a coma. Ella had been arrested in Tehran for “wearing inappropriate clothing” by the vice police, a unit tasked with enforcing the Islamic Republic of Iran’s strict dress code for women.

Iranian authorities deny any responsibility for his death. Asked Monday, September 19 on franceinfo, Mahnaz Shirali, sociologist and political scientist, specialist in Iran, believes that this woman is “became the symbol of the injustice that has reigned for 43 years” in Iran. She denounces a regime “which kills its own nationals with complete impunity”. According to the sociologist, “This death has created a general outcry, a national indignation of Iranians everywhere in the country. It is the whole Iranian society, both men and women, who are united to protest against so much injustice”. Many women in particular identify with the fate of Mahsa Amini: “All Iranian women have memories of clashes, and lots of bad memories with the morality police who are everywhere and who systematically repress women”.

On social networks, many Iranian women have filmed themselves cutting their hair or burn their veils in protest. “Iranian women can’t stand being arrested or humiliated anymore, they can’t stand being whipped anymore because they don’t want to wear the veil”analyzes Mahnaz Shirali. “The death of Mahsa Amini is a straw that broke the camel’s back”she concludes.

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