this record already beaten by Miss Ile-de-France!

This Saturday, December 17, the election of Miss France 2023 takes place. During the first half hour, the first young participants presented themselves in portraits filmed from their region of origin. And one of them has already managed to break a record. Indeed, Miss Ile-de-France confided to be 1.86 m and to be to date the largest beauty queen to have entered the contest. The young woman also admitted that her size had long been a complex. Adèle Bonnamour, her first name, therefore managed to use this handicap to transform the test and therefore claim the scarf of Miss France 2023.

On Twitter, Internet users have already reacted en masse after the release of his portrait. “Miss Ile de France 1.86m! Why isn’t she in Qatar for the last 15 minutes tomorrow”, “Miss Ile de France 1.86m, is she a miss or Virgil Van Djik??”, “1m86 wsh it’s Miss Île-de-France or Brienne de Thorne ???????”, “miss île-de-france a prank I hope”, “Miss Ile de France it’s always the same disappointment ohlolo” , “Miss Ile de France is on she is taller than her boyfriend”, “Miss Ile de France she is 2cm from hugo Lloris hahaha”, can we read on Twitter.

One of the young women will take over from Diane Leyre at the end of the evening. The Parisienne has already spoken about the aftermath in the columns of Le Parisien. “I’m not afraid of heights like others because, on January 2, I’ll still be on the radio for the Virgin Radio morning show. I signed for the whole season. I hope that my life will also be filled with work, she confided to the Parisian. Misses all have hyperactivity in common.”, she explained. And to continue: “I don’t like half things in life. I intend to live just as fast with a book project, a line of hair products… Miss France has changed my life and I hope that the lucky stars will watch over the next one.“.


See also: A former Miss France announces her pregnancy to everyone’s surprise!

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