This reality TV show in which appeared Marie, the companion of Georges Fenech, crush of Danielle Moreau!

Almost two weeks ago, Danielle Moreau revealed that she was in love with an ex-MP who officiates on NEWS. “It’s serious, I’m falling in love with someone at the moment but who’s not here (…) I haven’t met him, he’s someone from the group, I I don’t want to dance in front of him, he’s a columnist for the Canal group, he’s handsome, intelligent, he doesn’t know, I wouldn’t want to blow my chances”.

Then the next day, she revealed her identity before having the chance to speak to him on the phone. “I’m totally stupid in front of you, I told myself that I had no chance of meeting you and here I’m playing my all”she confessed by telephone to Georges Fenech. “It flatters me enormously, I am very touched by all these compliments and I would have great pleasure in meeting you, but I am not alone my dear Danielle…”he had replied to him before the companion of the latter intervened through a post on instagram. “Sorry Danielle…that said she has good taste! I’m not going to say otherwise”she had written.

Confrontation between “rivals”

Tuesday, May 24 on the set of Do not touch My TV, the columnist did not face her crush but Marie, the one who shares the life of the latter. It is without animosity that the pretty blonde came to meet the eternal bachelor. However, the revelation of Danielle Moreau’s love at first sight did not do her business. “I would like it to stop a bit. That evening, I received messages from everywhere: ‘Georges is live with Danielle Moreau’. I said to myself: ‘What is going on? pass ?'”she explained in particular. “Me, at some point, I exist, I’m here. It’s already hard because he’s successful, so if we add more!” Far from being jealous, she went on to say: “I’m proud that my man attracts quality women, because you are so charming!” Words that the forties reiterated on social networks after her participation in the talk show.

Former reality TV contestant

And Marie was not making her first TV appearance. In 2019, she participated in temptation island on W9 with Julien, her spouse at the time and much younger than her. The one who is a medium has participated in other television shows, such as We swapped our moms or So true.

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