this radio sequence where she has fun with the divorce of Carla Moreau does not pass at all…

On October 27, Carla Moreau sadly announced her breakup with Kevin Guedj after years of love and 10 months of marriage. After sordid accusations of deception against Kevin with a reality TV candidate named Belle Longwell, the two former stars of “Marseillais” who are parents of a two-year-old girl have finally decided to go their separate ways.

This Thursday, November 3, 2022, Guillaume Genton was faithful to his position at the microphone of Virgin Radio radio where he hosts the program “Le Morning sans filtre” alongside Diane Leyre and Fabien Delettres. The three hosts received Paga, star of the “Marseillais” who answered their questions by video call. An interview that makes a lot of noise because, in their discussion, the four protagonists literally have fun with this divorce.

From the start of the sequence, Diane Leyre laughs: “You’re the blood anyway”, in reference to the famous phrase that Kévin Guedj said when Carla Moreau announced their breakup. Paga then talks about his friend’s current situation: “He dropped the horses Kevin apparently, he’s already moved on….”. A sentence that makes the current Miss France react, who does not hesitate to ask: “Has he consummated the divorce?” And Paga to answer: “I think so, knew Kevin, he is separated, he is single… we call him the jaguar so here it is…”.

Words that have outraged Internet users who have pointed out that no one is talking about the sadness that Carla Moreau can feel at the moment: “I really don’t see how it’s funny? They are there laughing about it but even if Kevin has already moved on there are still Carla and Ruby who in the story must suffer from it I think and it’s disgusting to laugh at a separation”, “It’s fun to laugh at the misfortunes of others…”, “Hyper respectful for Carla and Ruby….” , “You fell very low on Virgin… you must have lost a lot of listeners”, “It’s hot, not divorced yet. This is where we see the real face, poor Carla my god”, ” They are 15 years old in their heads, they are still married, have a little girl and they talk about this breakup smiling and swinging that it’s normal for his friend to have fun with other women “, I don’t know what is embarrassing in the video that the columnists laugh or otherwise seem sadly detached and condescending towards a woman who I recall being married and having a child.” can we read among the comments.


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